Special cooking utensils: 10 inch bunt pan or angel food cake pan
In saucepan melt butter with, orange juice. Gradually add sugar. Beat well.
Preheat oven to 350' F. Grease and flour cake pan. Stir together flour baking soda, baking powder and cinnamon. Beat sugar and shortening together. In a separate bowl beat eggs and pumpkin. Combine with sugar mixture. Add flour mixture, mincemeat and nuts. Turn into prepared pan. Bake 1 hour or until done. Cool 10 minutes on wire rack. With a narrow spatula, loosen cake from pan edges and center tube. Invert cake gently onto plate. Cool completely. Frost with Orange Glaze. Garnish with orange sections.
Serves 12-14.
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Cajun Country -- New Iberia, Louisiana