
Long Grain:
Hull and bran polished off. Cooks fluffy and dry. (Meats)

Short Grain:
Hull and bran polished off. Cooks tender and moist.

Polished but retains vitamins. Substitute for regular rice but cooking time is longer.

Pre-cooked, rinsed and dried. Good for quick meals.

Only outer hull removed and is vitamin rich. (nutty flavor)

Not rice at all but seed of marsh grass. (Game and Poultry)

Cooking: Never stir while cooking.
Regular- Heat rice, water and salt to boil. Stir 1 or 2 times. Reduce heat to simmer, cover and cook for 14 minutes. Remove from heat, fluff lightly, cover and let steam for 5 to 10 minutes.
Brown- Wash in strainer with cold water then cook like regular rice for 30 to 40 minutes.
Wild- Wash in strainer with cold water then cook like regular rice for 40 to 50 minutes.

Cover tightly to prevent drying. Keeps 4 to 5 days. Will keep up to 6 months in freezer.

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Cajun Country -- New Iberia, Louisiana