*** First dice the onions and peppers. Slice sausage about 3/8 inch thick. Precook chicken and let cool. Pick chicken meat from the bones. Reserve broth. Start cooking the sausage until about half done. Remove sausage from the pan and drain. Take excess oil from the pot, leaving about 2 cups oil in the pan. Now add onions, peppers, seasoning and garlic powder to the pan and let cook until onions are about clear. Now add 2 cups broth and water per cup of rice (use broth first). You will need 80 cups of broth and water. Add meat at this time, along with the rice. Bring entire mixture to a boil. Watch the rice. When it starts to swell, stir well and cover. Turn fire down very low. Let cook 30 minutes without opening. Then open and check water, stirring very little. Cover. Let set 15-30 minutes.
Yield: 100-115 Plates.
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Jambalaya, Rice Dressing, Rice Dishes
Cajun Country -- New Iberia, Louisiana