Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Blend margarine, cream cheese, soup, and garlic powder together. Add flour. Chill dough for one hour.
In a medium pot, melt margarine. Saute onion and bell pepper. Add cream of mushroom soup. Turn on heat and add crawfish. Add bread crumbs to thicken filling. Turn dough onto a lightly floured counter, knead until smooth. Form balls of dough, keeping your hands dusted with flour. Roll out dough into the shape of a saucer. On one side of dough place a tablespoon of crawfish filling. Using spatula, flip over dough to cover the crawfish. Pinch dough edge together. Crimp edges with tines of a fork. Using dusted spatula, lift pie and place on ungreased cookie sheet. Prick the tip of pie with fork to let steam escape. Bake at 400F until golden brown. Can store in waxed paper container for several months in freezer. Serve hot.
Yield: 16-18 pies. Serves 16-18.
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